Leoprint for everyone?
It is admittedly difficult to convince every woman that a leopard print in the right place is good for everyone. How so? The ratio of Leo lovers to Leo Rejecters is actually balanced. However, our leo conviction is so far advanced that almost everyone can tolerate a touch of leopard print. It doesn’t have to be a total look either. The leopard print works as an accessory, as a world view in miniature.
Moreover, not all leoprints are the same. The way the print is designed and the technical realisation determine the value of the “Leopardato”. The fineness of the drawing and the nuances of the brownish colouring provide information about how much work went into developing the print.
A consumer leopard print often looks flat and cheap, the look rather simple and desperate. It is not without reason that the cliché of the milieu is closely associated with this type of print.
However, things are different if you aim for a luxurious look and take a lot of time to create the print. Because a statement of perfect Leo is: self-confidence and charisma. No pattern is able to suggest personality as much as Leo.
I think this touch of wilderness is good for all of us. Sometimes it’s the blouse, the trousers or just the piping in the black coat. It’s like in life, it’s all in the mix.
The plea for an open-minded look
It means nothing other than: Let’s just approach everything with an open mind! As we get older, it’s not always easy, because we slowly leave our footprints in our everyday lives and dare to do less, even in terms of fashion! That’s not good… because we, the women of the “baby boomer” years, have a duty. We are obliged to perform, we grew up in the best years ever. Our journey through time was upliftment, security and stability, all things that cannot be taken for granted in the next generation.
To be a visual and mental statement; we owe it to the world!
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